The Pathway to Enlightenment
As an Enlightened Teacher, I’d like to welcome you to the pathway to enlightenment. I’d like to encourage you, based upon my own personal experience and the personal experience of countless others, to meditate—to be more positive, to engage in the practice of meditation, and learn to be happy and to see things more brightly.
Meditation is coming back to your original self. It’s perfect, clear light; radiant, infinite mind of the universe. That’s something that you already are. You just need a little instruction and alot of light to awaken that.
Your subtle physical body is made up of strands of luminous energy. The energies that are flowing through are in the etheric plane. What an Enlightened teacher does is send golden, pure light to though luminous strands and empowering and healing them. That way you you too can experience high states of consciousness and hopefully reach full Enlightenment.
They call this the fast path because the teacher is doing alot of the work. Sending light to a student makes a student progress very rapidly. What would usually take thousands of lifetimes can be done in this very life. Very few teacher are fully Enlightened and are capable of doing this but if you find one then it’s your good karma that did it.
So when we meditate, we’re going swimming in the ocean—the ocean of bliss, the ocean of ecstasy, the ocean of transmutation and personal refinement. Just remember that it’s big and that every part of it is perfect and it’s fulfilling beyond comprehension. The way we gain wisdom in meditation is not by having someone explain something to us. All the teacher does is explain how to get to the planes of light, how to go deeper into them, how to avoid the things that keep us out of them… So meditation is the short path to happiness. It is the way to become completely happy and return home back to our ancient Enlightenment.
Why do people love the site of Light Shows, gold, diamonds, and rare gems? Why are we so mesmerized by Fireworks and Light Shows? It unconsciously reminds us of the Light and the experience of Divine Dimensions. Of going through the Divine Stargate.
It is the Divine’s way of giving us a taste of where we really live in consciousness when we are awake. Everyone wants to be there, to be home. OM. I always thought it was only saints and old gray-haired or bald-headed Holy men who could be Enlightened.
That is not the Truth. EVERYONE can become Free. I know this because I have become free and now I dedicate my life to others becoming free and also enjoying their journey towards freedom through teaching how they can become more successful and happier right now. Happier in every area of your life starting with your soul.” -Michele
Are You Ready For Your Awakening
Your Enlightenment?
Not everyone is ready for this kind of Transformation. Your desire to transform your life brought you here today, so let’s explore further.
The fact is, there are so many things that you can be doing to help yourself.
The number one reason that people don’t become free and Enlightened or things aren’t going well in their life is because they’re losing energy and they get stuck. They have reached a ceiling in their level of power and Enlightenment.
The key is you have to oscillate at a faster vibration and have more energy in order to advance further.
If you have been on this path for years and have had some success however, you find yourself at a standstill and can’t advance further, then I invite you to advance further in your self-discovery through the gold light of Enlightenment.

Michele's Journey

Michele had a longing for a direct experience with Enlightenment.
She searched the world for a “real” teacher. A teacher that can transmit light to her, so that she too can experience what she longed for, true “Enlightenment”
Michele’s journey finally led her to meet a fully Enlightened teacher. One that was able to transfer golden light to her. That golden light +plus meditation made all the difference.
After many years of meditation Michele awakened and transformed her own consciousness into Full Enlightenment.
She now teaches others how to live a happy Mystical Life and how to become Fully Enlightened.
A World of Transformation And Enlightenment -
Who Is This For?
By now you might be wondering, is this really for me? I mean, why do all this?
Why awaken and strive for Enlightenment?
The answer is simple:
EVERY person on this bountiful planet seeks Truth, Purpose, Happiness and Peace. They just may not be aware that this ideal outcome is called Enlightenment.
Everyone’s quest is the same, to find one’s own perfection. That is really what all of us is seeking.
Whether you are new to the world of Enlightenment or you have been on your quest for some time, you can expect many changes along the way.
Every time you learn a little more, you change a little more.
And along the way, you will constantly receive instructions in different forms that reveal how to clean up your life and overcome your limitations.
If you heed these instructions you will start gaining energy, raising your vibration, oscillating faster, and begin a new life of joy.
Then there is the second part, and this is very exciting and where true transformation can take place.
If you are an accepted student, you will receive the Golden Aural of Enlightenment.
The Aura of Enlightenment will be a familiar feeling to you. It’s a strong vibration of Light. That Light will begin to melt away the old layers that have been holding you back from good fortune and peace.
Those old, stagnant, negative layers that saturate and slow your vibration down and that have held you back for so long will gradually be dissolved once and for all.
If you are new to the world of Enlightenment, you will begin to feel lighter and happier as the heaviness of the world is melted away.
If you have experience but are still stuck, you will have new breakthroughs to levels of higher consciousness.
This is the powerful transformational process of Enlightenment that I know will free you forever! You will love at a level so deep and profoundly beautiful! No more doubting mind to interfere with your peace. No more fear! Only FREED-OM!
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Experience these virtual events where you can meet with all of the wonderful people that are part of The Mystical Experience™ from all over the entire globe live. Receive Light Transmissions and powerful prayers for your prosperity and success, fun life-changing assignments, and entertaining discussions and discourses. Your questions will be answered.
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covering topics from all facets of life and mysticism from over the past 10 years.
If you wish extremely fast transformation you can experience a one-on-one one-hour Zoom session with Michele every month. And as a Diamond you will also receive Light Transmissions every single day.

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4 Times a Month - Bi-Monthly Zoom Virtual Events/Webinars
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Receive 3 free gifts:
"The Power Of Meditation Video"
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"The Science Of Being Great Audiobook"
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"The The Magic Of Affirmation Power Audiobook"
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One Powerful Light Transmission Per Week

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8 Times a Month - Bi-Monthly Zoom Virtual Events/Webinars
Access to All Past Videos and Audio programs from the past 10 years
Receive 4 free gifts:
"The Power Of Meditation Video"
- Valued at $15.00
"The Science Of Being Great Audiobook"
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"The Magic Of Affirmation Power Audiobook"
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"Songs For Success" Full Album
- Valued at $14.95
Two Powerful Light Transmissions Per Week

- A Powerful Light Transmission is sent to you every single day of the year.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Enlightenment?
Enlightenment occurs once one’s Kundalini has awakened and you become one with Eternity. The illusion of this world goes away and there is no more fear. The Ego has dissolved and you have become the light. It’s going back to the source of where you came from and reunite with it. It’s blissful and full of ecstasy yet strong and powerful. Your true nature.
Why Is Michele Teaching?
Michele was blessed with a Kundalini awakening just over 10 years ago and now transmits this Light and teaches others how to also awaken. Her teaching methods are filled with joy, happiness, and laughter. She shares the truth about mystical experiences that others hold as special secrets that are usually held back in the traditional world of Enlightenment. Michele doesn’t believe in keeping secrets. She believes in giving all the knowledge you need so that you too can become one with Eternity and become Enlightened in this lifetime.
What Is A Light Transmission?
Most people are blocked and cannot reach their true Enlightened selves, let alone feel this magic within. Michele connects you to your Higher Self by transmitting pure light of eternity. That way your life can improve and you can also experience Higher, Blissful States of Consciousness towards Enlightenment.
What Will I Learn?
You will learn methods that will raise your levels of energy so you have more personal power to achieve your goals. The more you raise your oscillation/vibration, the happier and more successful you will become. You will learn to meditate deeply and burn away the layers that are holding you back from your true nature. With the help of the teacher’s light you can learn to reach high states of consciousness towards Enlightenment.

What Others Are Saying

Live a Transformed & Enlightened Life
We all aim to be in harmony, happy and successful in our careers, finances, relationships and to then be a positive ripple of light for our world. Enlightenment is the natural evolution for all sentient beings and that means YOU, Right Here and RIGHT NOW! If you feel you want evolution in all areas of you life click the green button below.

Receive A Free Copy Of
The Power Of Meditation Video
This downloadable video covers the basics of meditation practice, Chakras to deeper practices for those who wish to either deepen their practice or renew their practice for deeper union.
If you desire with all your heart to connect with your purpose and raise your energy and consciousness, a One on One session could help burn away some of the blocks at last and have you on a Higher Plane Of Light, Power, and Harmony.