Let the Light of Eternity Dissolve You into a Blissful,
Peaceful Being
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Meditate and Live a Joyful, Blissful Life
There is something within you that seeks perfection, that seeks absorption and until that occurs to you, you’ll never rest and you’ll never really know peace. This path will teach you how to eliminate your unhappy feelings, your unhappy attachments; you’ll learn how to overcome your bitterness and your hates and your jealousies and your angers and frustrations. All those things will go away and will be replaced by selfless love and selfless giving, humility, purity, integrity, love.
If you are not living an ecstatic life filled with joy and bliss on a daily basis, there is only one reason. Many of us don’t realize how much our life is affected by the progress we make spiritually. Every aspect of our lives are improved when we make jumps in our spiritual world.
Meditate and Experience Worlds of Light
When you meditate, you get in touch with the deepest part of yourself. Beyond the world of thought, and sensorial impressions, there are planes and dimensions of perfect light, knowledge and radiant perfection. Meditation is simply a process of moving your awareness field from the awareness of this world, from the awareness of time and space, into Eternity, into the eternal dimensions of Samadhi, Nirvana, Love.
Love is, in its essence, a free, formless strand of luminosity. Love can cause us to take a quantum leap in our spiritual growth. If we examine the essence of existence very closely, we’ll find that the essence of existence is love. There really is nothing that isn’t love.
Dissolving in Meditation
Entering deep meditation means that you lose your individual awareness as a person. You no longer have a name, an address; you are no longer in this world at all. There’s no sense of the earth, time, space, past history, future possibilities. All of that goes away. All of that is completely erased.
You dissolve, but in your dissolution you become something greater. You become Eternity. You Experience Divine Worlds of Light directly.
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Experience True Meditation
How Light Energy Works
We all have energy made of light. Some call it divine energy, shakti or spititual energy. What’s important is that this energy affects all parts of our lives. The most successful people have more access to this energy. They apply it to their lives and live a happier more abundant life.
Once you learn the REAL methods to shifting yourself and gain this energy, you too can experience a life full of joy and abundance.
Beginner or Experienced
Whether you are new to meditation and want to learn the correct, fast you will walk away with ancient techniques that have been around for thousands of years.
If you’ve meditated for years and your meditations has gotten stagnant and boring, you will walk away with true techniques that will put energy and make your meditation powerful.
Meditation and Love
Love can cause us to take a quantum leap in our spiritual growth.
If we examine the essence of existence very closely, we’ll find that the essence of existence is love. There really is nothing that isn’t love.
The more you meditate the more you can feel that. The beauty of meditation is that is helps us go beyond ourselves to the part of us that is a compassionate, high vibrating soul.
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Learn How To Meditate – 3 Video Series
How To Meditate Parts 1 – 3
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