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Experience Transmissions Of Light

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Not only can you and your loved ones have 30 days of powerful Light Transmissions, I am also going to have you email me 3 of your most positive Intentions you would like to experience. Then I will write you are Personalized Prayer Card as an extra gift. People love their Prayer Cards because Prayer works. Especially when I have all my attention and love focused on you for 30 Days.

This is such a wonderful opportunity to become one with your spirit and make HUGE shifts towards your Enlightenment. This is for your own consciousness to assist the Divine in releasing the pain and ignorance the people on our beloved Mother Earth are experiencing.

This world of 7 billion souls wants release, they want to be home. They are lost and in pain.

The power released to you will be a great service to our earth. It is a certain fact that if a soul builds up a Divine path through the Divine ether of Eternal Light their love and compassion for others will also be sent back along the same path.

Dissolve The Parts Of You That Have Been Holding You Back

Evolve and Progress Your Spiritual Practice

Meet Michele

After many years of meditation with Kundalini, a beautiful Enlightened Teacher, Michele had her own awakening which transformed her consciousness and her Enlightenment returned. She now teaches others how to live a Mystical Life and experience Divine Oneness, which is the true heart of genuine happiness, success, and purpose in one’s life.


Beloved Teacher, I was one of the lucky ones that got to participate in the Spring Equinox Live Stream.

I had a surge of energy in my head and then, that energy turned in to a tingling feeling inside my brain, as if it was activating my brain cells. It felt wonderful and all my thoughts stopped as well.

When I did the gazing, on your eyes, your aura turned to white light and I could feel it in my third eye area. Truly amazing!
William Scannell
The live stream was so much needed, Watching you was much easier for me to connect to the Divine. Your eyes were not like human but like a bath of love and light.

Even the talk itself was so much needed for me, motivating. I love to see you in person.

I can’t wait for next live streaming😊. Please do another one. Much Love. A lot of kisses.
Thank you so much for this Prayer and light transmission via the new live stream for the Spring Equinox, it was truly magical.

The Solstice and Equinox light transmissions and prayers that you do has been the perfect way for me to stay focused on a goal or two and obtain it. I love to see what I wrote three months prior, look at where I am today and say Mission Accomplished.
United States
Receiving the Light transmissions seemed to super-charge the results as I followed the instructions to change my life, both inside and out. It gave me a liberating sense of renewal. I came out of it changed and freed from old-me limitations. This was a very valuable experience for me and I am so thankful to you Michele.
OMG Michele! This Light Transmission Academy was off the charts! It brought to me a deeper sense of Love and Compassion than I have ever experienced in this lifetime. And it is still with me, so it is a beautiful permanent shift in my consciousness.

Giving us the tools to bring Light and Prayer to others was a special gift that I am eternally grateful for. I felt the Light that you sent me each day during the course of this Academy and as you know, it made feel like a little child full of energy but more importantly assisted in being able to serve others in bringing them to a higher vibration of More Love.

Also, I have gained more clarity, peace and confidence on my purpose and my life with your Light transmissions and the tools that you taught us as we are here to serve others . Just an amazing, beautiful, wonderful gift to all of us who participated in this academy which again assists this planet's further shift into higher consciousness.
United States
The Light Transmission Academy Training, was an experience that I could never have imagine was possible, especially for me. The thought of me, been able to connect to the universal energy, and then been able to send it to someone in need, was way beyond my understanding of anything that I have encounter in my lifetime to date.

The most amazing thing about it is, that when you connect to this energy to help someone. You are really raising your own connection and consciousness so fast. I am growing in vibration and feeling alive inside.
William Scannell
The first day I saw a free live stream from you it was a fantastic experience. I have now regained happiness after a long time going through some very bad times in my life. But after joining my life changed so much and I see myself only growing for good. I am gaining more self-confidence, I'm more open, I'm more loving and I feel stronger as I now begin to see things more clearly. I can now actually feel the Divine energy you send me and I can see light.

But the experience with prayer CD was so very powerful. I have been listening to it every day and I feel it is very powerful especially with your powerful affirmations. Wow. Thank you very much for all this. For live streaming, for webinars for extra light transmissions, for cd prayers, for everything. Thank you forever. Thank you.
Dearest Michele, I noticed whenever there was the gazing at you on the live stream video transmission and I noticed you breathe Light towards us. The screen literally went blurry each time with the Light. And I went giddy and felt waves of something. Was it bliss, Shakti? Whatever it was its Divine and I had never had a true experience quite like this peace before. Very powerful to see you live. Thank you.
I AM so grateful for the AWESOME Live-streamed video. I feel so peaceful, full of Divine Light and so happy to start my first day of work within so much Divine Vibration to reach my goals and to have more and more Divine in ME than ME. Really I don't have words for how I feel 🙂 -Thank you, Michele
New Caledonia
Michele, you are beautiful and sooooo much love has now been poured out in abundance through you on this Live Streaming Video Event. This is a warming wave for abundance, love, and healing. Thank you for extending and sharing in ALL you do. I am extremely grateful and I look forward to experiencing this Divine Experience again. Big blessings.
Beloved Michele,

I Completed the 1st week from the Light Transmission Academy today. I was totally 100% God governed. It wasn't me. ( I (the body)could not have done so much .... ) But the joy of it, the love of it, was stronger than any pain. My home is lighter, I am lighter.

Even my daughter sees it and feels it, and is affected by it. She's already throwing things out and wanting to clear her room too. During the process I had many explosions of so much GOD so much Love and tears of joy and gratitude would pour. Thank you was the only mantra. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!

Feeling happier, more alive and look forward to the 2nd week.

Thank you for you Power of Divinity, waking us up, opening our Hearts and awakening our consciousness. It is a magical experience thank you for touching me so and getting me unglued.
It was an absolute dream come true for me. When I was there, I’ve been a part of these calls for almost two years now, but I’ve never actually spoken up and to hear everybody and then for everybody to come to life for me, especially to see Michele only through video or hear her lovely voice over the phone, and then finally be able to hold her and hug everybody in the Mystical Success Club. It was just an absolute dream coming true. People put things down on their bucket list, and for me sitting in front of my teacher was definitely the highest thing I could have written on my bucket list. And it was beyond beautiful for me. I consider myself a loving person but after doing the transmissions with her, coming back to Miami, which is such a populated and heavy city, to feel my heart even more than I had felt before I had experienced that. It just blows my mind away. And I look forward to my meditations so much more and I hate having to open my eyes. The whole experience was ecstatic and I want to thank Michele and everybody that was there for making it a dream come true, because it really, really was.​



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